Calm Fox Coaching
Originally Clinically Focused Coaching, Calm Fox Coaching is an online mental health resource and coaching practice founded in 2019. My goal is to bring everyday mental health into the twenty-first century, regardless of a person’s background with mental health; while also filling some gaps in how we interact with and experience our mental health and those around us.
The world has changed and sped up so much in recent years. We literally need to carry the world in all its connectedness and media-promoted weight; in our hands at all times. It’s a ton, and while it can be energizing it can also be exhausting and unsustainable. It’s time your support systems and mental health infrastructure keep up.
Welcome to Calm Fox Coaching.
Mr. Fox

I’m Fox. You’re welcome to call me Fox or Mr. Fox. The “Mr.” is my legal initials “M.R.”; it’s not gender specific.
I have spent most of my life working in child/adolescent care and education and have an educational background in Family Sciences, LGBT Studies, and Human Development from the University of Maryland and Couples and Family Therapy from Virginia Tech.
I started working with clients in outpatient mental health settings in 2010 with a vast range of client populations varying in cultural background, socioeconomic status, and varying levels of debilitating mental health crisis and trauma. From 2012 to 2020, I worked as an intensive in-home family therapist. Clients included families dealing with significant mental health and behavioral challenges related to neurodiversity and depression to attachment disorders, and DMDD, as well as families in crisis and at risk of children/adolescents being removed from the home. This often included working with preexisting physical/mental health providers already on the case, inpatient facilities, victim advocates, school faculty, and IEP team processes.
The approach I use when coaching prioritizes your lived experience and goals, followed by current clinical frameworks and modalities from outpatient, inpatient, school-based, and in-home mental health services. Topped off with mindfulness practices, client-specific and led spirituality/faith/wellness practices, and up-to-date data about comprehensive physical/mental health. All worked through an intersectional feminist and social justice lens.
As a hobby over the last decade-plus, I also have significant experience organizing and teaching about sex, sexuality, and consent within LGBTQIA+, nonmonogamous, alternative, and kink/sex-positive communities.
I hope what I shared resonates with you, and I look forward to talking with you.
I’m a white, cis-ish(?), queer pansexual, neurodivergent, physically disabled, Jewish, trauma-informed and experienced, married man, who uses he/they pronouns. Try saying that five times fast. I go by Fox or Mr. Fox; you get to pick.